Friday, September 14, 2007

The Last Day:

Pages: 2213

Well we have learned much from this summer of attempting to read many books.

- Making a list that is 100+ books long doesn't intice one to read.
- Three months of daily posts is difficult to maintain, espacially in the final two weeks.
-David Schwimmer is a comic genius.
-It took 8 days to for me to get distracted from reading.
-Lists of points are a fun way of surmising a day.
-My spelling has gone to heck.
-Writing about MTV shows is a rather desperate ploy to fill space.
-I went to West Cork a lot.
-Soccer is a game of customs.
-The following are enemies to reading: Jack Bauer, Social Networking Sites, TV, sleep, going out, travel, the internet in general, cinema, anything with a screen, cleaning the garden and so on.

Well I'm taking a break before I write any more blogs, so see ya. I'm off to catch up on my reading...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day 104/105

Pages: 2213

Ah yesterday got lost somewhere. Well, summer is essentially over and the night is drawing in. So soon this ill concieved venture must end. Tomorrow we will discuss what we have learned.

Inappropiate Song of the Day:
"Hurt" as sung by Johnny Cash.
There are times when listening this song is a good idea (Drinking whiskey in an empty pub after your wife leaves you perhaps). At a nightclub is not.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 100/101/102/103

Pages: 2213

Four days since I updated, ouch. Well the reason is I was in London, so It's random observation time.

-Ryanair planes are disconcertingly bright on the inside. Yellow and blue aren't conductive to an comfortable flight.

-There may be more Irish people in London than in Cork.

-The paintings in Tate Modern all come with it's own movement (New Actionism?).

-German hotdogs rock the telly.

-Leather Couches are sticky to sleep on warm London nights.

-Anything remotely popular in Britian becomes a musical, see Take That, Bad Girls.

-Drinking red wine (in a glass) on street in the middle of the night is 40% loutish, 60% classy.

-The classical music that is played when people are waiting to leave their seats on an Aer Lingus plane ironically enrages me.

More tomorrow.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Day 98/99

Pages: 2110

Off to Crydon, England for the weekend. I'll finally see of one those Crydon facelifts I keep hearing about.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Day 96/97

Pages: 2110

I've been reading Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets. In it, the author suggests that luck has a much larger role in our lives than we thought and skills don't necessarily further you in life. So if I understand it correctly, I should do the lotto more.

Review of the Day:

What a Douche "You decide" Is it real or not?
Youtube comment on Extraordinary or Extra Ordinary (

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 94/95

Pages: 2095

I had planned to be highbrow and give a review of Gohatto (a slow burning Japanese drama about The Samurai and the effect of a homosexual affair) I watched last night on BBC 4. But instead I'm going to give 10 reasons why Ross is the best character in Friends.

1. He owned a monkey.
2. He was a paleontologist, the best job of the six.
3. As the series contiuned, Monica got shriller, Joey got dumber, Chandler got soppier, Phoebe got more conservative and Rachel got more like Joey. Ross became more insane.
4. Despite this, he still got dates with very attractive ladies.
5. ...Including one of his students, the sly dog.
6. "We were on a Break." God bless the writer that kept that phase a running gag well past the point it was still funny.
7. The character of Ross is so good, David Schwimmer pretty much played him again in Seven Days, Six Nights.
8. Ross and Rachel is a good combo for alliteration purposes.
9. He bests even Adam Sandler for comic shouting.
10."We were on a Break."

Running Gag of the Day:

We were on a Break.

Comic gold.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Day 93

Pages: 2094

I held a heart in my hands today. A sheep's, It was quite slimy.

Trailer I'm oddly excited about of the Day:

Its like the Fog but vaguer about the threat and it has Tom Jane in it.